WORKSHOP SERIES - Monday, February 17 2025

Download the Full Event Guide to see the 120+ expert speakers, a full in-depth 4-day agenda, the hours of networking opportunities, and how you can get involved in the discussion - all in one document!

BEGINNER - The Advancing Prefabrication Bootcamp

For trades starting out on their prefab journeys to focus on how to get their operation off the ground

Session One

09:00 am – 10:00 am | Understanding the Long-Term Goals & Strategies for Prefabrication to Avoid Potential Pitfalls Early

  • Steve Walden Director - Business Development, Midwest Drywall


  • Evaluating material and labor savings, project timelines, waste reduction and quality control efficiencies before investing in prefab
  • Defining prefabrication goals that are aligned with company strategy, considering factors such as scalability, market demand and competitive positioning
  • Starting with pilot projects to validate prefabrication strategies and assess their effectiveness, utilizing feedback to refine processes

10:00 am – 11:00 am | Panel: Effectively Marketing Your Prefab Capabilities to Be Competitive & Acquire More Customers


  • Understanding how to budget your marketing efforts to allocate enough resources Developing a robust marketing strategy that leverages both traditional and digital channels to reach all potential clients
  • Highlighting superior quality and craftsmanship through tangible examples and case studies to distinguish your offerings from competitors
  • Implementing innovative showcases of offerings such as virtual tools, 3D models and data analytics to engage prospects and overcome initial skepticism

Session Two

12:00 pm – 01:00 pm | Exploring How to Collect & Manage KPIs for Effective Decision Making on Prefabrication

  • Sam Revel Director or IC, Pitt Meadows Plumbing


  • Determining specific KPIs that reflect the effectiveness of prefab operations, such as assembly efficiency, accuracy of prefab components and on-time delivery rates
  • Evaluating ERP and project management systems that provide real-time data on prefab processes to enable accurate monitoring and management of performance metrics
  • Developing a structured approach to rolling out KPI tracking, ensuring consistent application across fabrication, assembly and installation phases

01:00 pm – 02:00 pm | Identifying the Investment & Data Strategies Required to Succeed in Prefab Over the Next 5-10 Years


  • Hearing research-backed projections and case studies demonstrating the financial benefits of prefab investments
  • Emphasizing the urgency for smaller firms to start prefab now to avoid falling behind in the next decade
  • Accurately measuring productivity rates and output to know if you are producing enough to be able to compete over the next 5 years

Session Three

03:00 pm – 04:00 pm | Building a Unified Approach to Prefab Through Interdepartmental Coordination

  • Jim Jeffrey Director - Operations, Western Allied Mechanical
  • Benjamin Simon Production Manager - Operations, Western Allied Mechanical
  • Randy Freitas Superintendent, Western Allied Mechanical


  • Defining specific roles for each department, ensuring they understand their contributions from project inception through completion
  • Encouraging a wider understanding of other departments’ roles and responsibilities related to prefab for holistic alignment on prefab efforts
  • Implementing standardized procedures across departments to streamline prefab workflows
  • Conducting training and developing checklists for departments to integrate prefab methodologies effectively into their respective workflows

04:00 pm – 05:00 pm | Advancing Prefab in the Absence of Comprehensive 3D Modelling

  • Chris Fisher Prefabrication Manager, Ready Electric Company, Inc.


  • Exploring alternative workflows and methodologies to enhance prefab initiatives
  • Strengthening collaboration between design, engineering and construction teams to minimize discrepancies in the absence of a 3D model
  • Considering factors like project scale and cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the feasibility and appropriate timing for investing in 3D modelling capabilities

INTERMEDIATE - Scaling Your Prefabrication Operations

For trades looking to establish, optimize and scale their prefab operations.

09:00 am – 11:00 am | Workshop A

Restructuring Your Firm: How Can Prefabrication Take Centre Stage?

  • John Stilwell Prefab & Logistics Manager, Christenson Electric Inc.


  • Aligning prefab with current business goals to ensure prefab initiatives are directly contributing to overarching business growth
  • Conducting assessments of current capabilities, including workforce skills, technology infrastructure and operational processes to know where to focus upscaling
  • Streamlining departments and roles to ensure clear leadership and accountability for prefab
  • Exploring opportunities to scale prefab solutions across a broader range of projects and market segments to expand prefab beyond current capabilities

12:00 pm – 02:00 pm | Workshop B

Establishing a System for Tracking End-to-End Prefab Efficiency


  •  Defining the specific data points to be collected at each stage of the prefab process
  • Implementing mechanisms for real-time data capture and reporting to facilitate timely decision making and performance monitoring
  • Conducting regular reviews and analyses of prefab performance against established KPIs and targets

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm | Workshop C

Understanding How to Access More of the Prefab Market to Expand to Potential Clients Faster

  • Alex Johnson Fabrication Manager, University Mechanical Contractors Inc.
  • Julianna Mattecheck Sales Representative, University Mechanical Contractors Inc.


  • Customizing contracting frameworks around the unique needs of prefabrication projects to account for the specific requirements of industrialized construction
  • Having suppliers of standardized kits and assemblies of modules come together to deploy an entire program in a standardized way
  • Proposing a framework of how to engage in industrialized construction through multi-tiered project delivery
  • Understanding how to organize project deliverables underneath this framework to create a system that allows for the traits of prefabrication

ADVANCED - Transitioning to Manufacturing

For the most advanced players who are focused on the latest innovations.

9:00 am – 11:00 am | Workshop D

Moving Towards Productization for Increased Economies of Scale

  • Troy Walls Director - Mechanical Construction, Edwards Electrical & Mechanical
  • Gary Showalter MEP Prefabrication Operations Manager, Edwards Electrical & Mechanical
  • Lucas Sheetz Director of Electrical Construction, Edwards Electrical & Mechanical


  • Shifting from bespoke prefab to mass production methodologies to achieve higher efficiency
  • Understanding potential barriers to entry for productization across your offerings
  • Analyzing market need to know what product lines to go after to capitalize on demand

12:00 pm – 02:00 pm | Workshop E

Building a Catalog of Products: What is the Next Step for My Contracting Firm?

  • Jim Tedrow Fabrication Shop Manager, Modern Companies Inc.


  • Identifying specific products or assemblies that can be standardized and easily manufactured
  • Creating detailed technical drawings and 3D models for each prefabricated product, including dimensions, assembly instructions and integration requirements for users to accurately assess which products suit their project requirements
  • Creating a marketplace for industry-wide accessibility to your products to simplify the procurement process for your customers and attract more potential clients

03:00 pm – 05:00 pm | Workshop F

Addressing the Benefits of Vertical Integration & Mapping Out the Process of Design to Manufacturing to Delivery


  • Enhancing communication and coordination between design, manufacturing and delivery teams to reduce lead times and errors
  • Allowing for tighter control over costs and quality throughout the entire production process
  • Having all stages of the prefab process under oneumbrella for increased flexibility and response to changing project requirements

EXECUTIVE - Building Your Firm’s Industrialized Construction Strategy

An approval only forum for senior executives. Address how to evolve business strategy and manage organizational change effectively to maximize the potential business benefits of prefab and modular.

Session One

09:00 am – 10:00 am | Case Study: Benchmarking Prefab Opportunities Across the Construction Sector to Optimize Market Share & Competitive Edge


  • Exploring the percentage of work that is prefab across trade contractors and general contractors to benchmark the output you should be aiming for to remain competitive
  • Understanding the realistic expectations of firms doing prefab and incremental targets for improvement
  • Identifying top performing companies and analyzing what sets them apart to engage prospects and overcome initial skepticism

10:00 am – 11:00 am | Addressing the Upfront Investment Required for Prefab: How Can We Guarantee the ROI?


  • Providing a comprehensive overview of initial costs, including technology, equipment, training and process restructuring
  • Discussing techniques to assess and mitigate risks associated with prefab investments e.g., sensitivity analysis, scenario planning and contingency planning to ensure robust financial strategy
  • Gradually increasing prefab activities as initial investments show return to minimize financial risk

Session Two

12:00 pm – 01:00 pm | Understanding the Most Profitable Prefab Markets to Invest in & What’s Shaping the Future of Prefab & Modular


  • Exploring data-driven insights and projections about high-growth prefab markets to enable strategic investment decisions that drive business growth
  • Providing an overview of cutting-edge technologies and innovations in prefab to stay ahead of the curve in 2025 and beyond
  • Highlighting how current and upcoming regulations will impact the prefab sector to align business strategy with regulatory trends or capitalize on potential incentives

01:00 pm – 02:00 pm | Identifying & Managing the Risk of Winning Work on Prefab Projects to Maximize Portfolio Profitability


  • Being mindful of the other projects in your portfolio and when they are expected to deliver value to help plan and allocate resources across multiple prefab projects
  • Going after projects with unrelated technical and market attributes to spread risk across various types of prefab work and safeguard resources and customers for already established projects
  • Strategically selecting the projects you take on: Can you make it? Can you sell it? Can you get sufficient margins?

Session Three

03:00 pm – 04:00 pm | Case Study: Finding a Gap in the Market to Develop New Offerings & Services for Prefabrication


  • Discovering how Material6 recognized a gap in the construction market for innovative and sustainable building solutions to develop a unique product line using fiber-reinforced polymers for building exteriors
  • Understanding the strategies used to build credibility and gain market acceptance for new products, including successful case studies like a large mixed-use residential facility
  • Discussing the importance of engaging senior executives to drive innovation and explore future opportunities for growth in the prefabrication market

04:00 pm – 05:00 pm | Panel: Cultivating a Culture of Innovation by Encouraging Prefab Adoption at All Levels From Top Down


  • Setting expectations for prefab efforts to collectively work towards quality, efficiency and successful outcomes
  • Ensuring all teams have the resources, tools and support they need to make prefab a reality
  • Exploring how to equip your teams with the skills to effectively communicate ideas down to their own teams