MARKET FOCUS DAY - Thursday, February 20 2025

Download the Full Event Guide to see the 120+ expert speakers, a full in-depth 4-day agenda, the hours of networking opportunities, and how you can get involved in the discussion - all in one document!

Data Center & Mission Critical Focus Day

Data Center & Mission Critical

Download the Full Event Guide for full session details

8.50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Amy Marks, Senior Vice President of Innovation, Compass
Data Centers

Pushing for Standardization & Industry Adoption

9.00 am Panel: Engaging Owners in Modular Construction to Maximize the Value of Prefabrication

Scott Pisani, Director of Mission Critical, Western Partitions

Andy Tolbert, Group Manager, Cleveland Electric

9.40 am Audience Discussion: Standardizing Prefabrication Across Data Center Equipment for Simplified Design & Integration

10.20 am Morning Break & Refreshments

Exploring Advanced Modulars for Data Centers

11.00 am Case Study: Implementing Modular Electrical
Rooms for Heightened Quality & Speed-to-Market

Ryan Windham, President of Integrated Manufacturing, Cummings Electrical

Bryan Vrla, Vice President of Engineering, Cummings Electrical

11.40 am Audience Discussion: Sharing Key Takeaways & Lessons Learned From Your Prefab Projects

12.00 pm Lunch 

Advancing Field Efficiency

1.00 pm Case Study: Fabricating the Next Generation of Data Center Construction

Rob Cross, COO, Baker Group

Mike Lipp, Executive Vice President, Baker Group

1.40 pm Audience Discussion: Exploring Practical Strategies for Addressing Skilled Labor Shortages Despite Prefabrication

2.00 pm Owner Fireside Chat: Understanding & Realizing Data Center Owners’ & Operators’ Vision for Prefabrication

Haynes Strader, Chief Development Officer, Skybox Datacenters

2.40 pm Chair's Closing Remarks

Amy Marks, Senior Vice President of Innovation, Compass Datacenters

Aarth Jarmarwala, Lead Global Design & Constructibility, Compass Datacenters

2.50 pm End of Focus Day

Healthcare Focus Day
Multi-Family, Commercial & Hospitality Focus Day