MARKET FOCUS DAY - Thursday, February 20 2025

Download the Full Event Guide to see the 120+ expert speakers, a full in-depth 4-day agenda, the hours of networking opportunities, and how you can get involved in the discussion - all in one document!

Data Center & Mission Critical Focus Day

Data Center & Mission Critical

Download the Full Event Guide for full session details

8.50 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Amy Marks, Senior Vice President of Innovation, Compass
Data Centers

Pushing for Standardization & Industry Adoption

9.00 am Panel: Engaging Owners in Modular Construction to Maximize the Value of Prefabrication

• Understanding how to successfully pitch to data center owners to win work while demonstrating how modular can offer a superior end-product
• Encouraging owner participation in the construction process to ensure the final product meets their needs and expectations
• Demonstrating the long-term savings and efficiencies of prefabrication to justify initial investment premiums

Scott Pisani, Director of Mission Critical, Western Partitions

Andy Tolbert, Group Manager, Cleveland Electric

9.40 am Audience Discussion: Standardizing Prefabrication Across Data Center Equipment for Simplified Design & Integration

• Establishing a catalog of available and reliable products to enable faster design turnaround
• Adopting DfMA principles to create standardized designs for efficient prefab production processes
• Understanding which components and assemblies should be standardized for more efficient use of materials and time

10.20 am Morning Break & Refreshments

Exploring Advanced Modulars for Data Centers

11.00 am Case Study: Implementing Modular Electrical
Rooms for Heightened Quality & Speed-to-Market

• Understanding the scope of our project to know why we considered modular electrical rooms
• Discussing the unique challenges we encountered during the planning to installation phases to demonstrate common pain points
• Examining the advantages such as accelerated project timelines, increased quality, and reduced onsite labor for overall improved project efficiency

Ryan Windham, President of Integrated Manufacturing, Cummings Electrical

Bryan Vrla, Vice President of Engineering, Cummings Electrical

11.40 am Audience Discussion: Sharing Key Takeaways & Lessons Learned From Your Prefab Projects

Join this breakout to gain insights into what our attendees learned from their own prefab and modular projects for shared insights into scalability, design flexibility, integration, and owner feedback.

12.00 pm Lunch 

Advancing Field Efficiency

1.00 pm Case Study: Improving the Installation of Prefabricated Units Ensure Precision & Optimize Project Handover

• Addressing the need for trained personnel in using specialized tools and techniques for prefab unit installation to ensure accuracy and minimize errors
• Improving early collaboration between fab and installation teams to clarify expectations and workflows
• Establishing clear guidelines and standards for documenting as-built conditions post-installation to facilitate efficient handover and documentation of operationality

Rob Cross, COO, Baker Group

Mike Lipp, Executive Vice President, Baker Group

1.40 pm Audience Discussion: Exploring Practical Strategies for Addressing Skilled Labor Shortages Despite Prefabrication

Join this breakout to discover how attendees are adapting to labor market conditions to increase the success of prefab projects amidst a dwindling workforce.

2.00 pm Owner Fireside Chat: Understanding & Realizing Data Center Owners’ & Operators’ Vision for Prefabrication

Hear leading owners share their strategic priorities on data center development and construction to discover where to prioritize your efforts in 2025 and consistently deliver to their expectations.

Haynes Strader, Chief Development Officer, Skybox Data

2.40 pm Chair's Closing Remarks

Amy Marks, Senior Vice President of Innovation, Compass Data Centers

2.50 pm End of Focus Day

Healthcare Focus Day
Multi-Family, Commercial & Hospitality